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Between Walls

Published Research

My Academic Credentials

Research: Welcome


What is Your Research About?

Modern Day Fantasy! My primary interest is Tolkien, specifically how his Catholicism influenced his writings as well as how we can combine the traditionalism and modernism present in his legendarium to further our understanding of his literary canon. 

My other main area of interest is the presentation and depiction of women throughout various genres of fiction. 

Who is your research for?

Anyone and everyone!

While my research is written at an academic level and published in such journals, my hope is that anyone–particularly those interested in fantasy–can learn from and enjoy my research. As of writing this, my publications have been viewed over 1,000 times in more than 62 countries by people from all different walks of life!

Research: FAQ

Modern Day Fantasy: The Progressive Role of the Active Female

April 2021 & September 2021

This paper analyzes the Lord of the RingsHarry Potter and Six of Crows in the context of the societies in which they were written, as opposed to judging them against an ever-changing set of credentials, thus uncovering and providing understanding of each works’ feminist qualities.

Unmovable Mountains: The Symbolic War Between Good and Evil

September 2022

A presentation on Tolkien's symbolic montane motif in connection to the Biblical mountain. In the future, this research will be expanded upon in a paper format with hopes of publication. In February 2023, I guest lectured a class at Seton Hall University in which this research was the topic of discussion.

The Preservation of Femininity: Deconstructing Sexism Through Early Feminist Literature

November 2022

Both Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Louisa May Alcott's Little Women can be classified as early feminist fiction, yet there is little research pertaining to their progressive commentary on the 19th-century female role, both in the public and private sphere. This paper seeks to rectify the lack of research on this vital subject. 

Interested in my research?


Please get in touch! I am available to guest lecture, guest blog, present at conferences or discuss one-on-one. 

Research: Work
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